notifications_active avatar Morgan Oakley
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Complete Git Tutorial

This Git tutorial will show you the essentials needed to get started with Git. You will learn to install, configure, and clone repos.

What Is a Code Block?

A block is a pair of braces used to group multiple statements. Block typically gets used in JavaScript functions and CSS rulesets.

CSS Unit – Explained with Examples

A CSS unit is the standard of measurement used in CSS to express the size of an element's property. Examples are px, em, rem, fr, and vh.

Minimax Algorithm Explained

Minimax algorithm is a recursive function that helps a player minimize the maximum possibility of losing a game.

ReactJS Double Click to Edit Text

This article will use a simple React project to show you how to click (or double click) to edit a page’s text.

The Ultimate Guide to ES Modules

JavaScript modules are files that allow you to export their code. Therefore, allowing other JavaScript files to use the exported code.

Array Destructuring Tutorial

Array destructuring is a unique technique that allows you to neatly extract an array’s value into new variables.

HTML Explained

HTML is an extension of plain texts. It is a note to browsers about a document's data, thereby helping browsers present webpages accurately.


YouTube Clone

This project is a clone of the YouTube website. Use it to watch your favorite videos 🎥.

Where Is Waldo?

Where is Waldo is a search-and-find game where a player searches an image for some items (e.g., Waldo, Cat, Apple, etc.).

Battleship Game

Battleship is a two-player game wherein each player takes turns shooting each other's ships.


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React Explained Clearly

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Code Tidbits

HTML CSS JavaScript

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Cheat Sheets

Git and CLI